

Implantology, Oral Surgery and Oral Rehabilitation

Prof. Doctor

Filipe Freitas

Experiência Profissional

Professional Card No:
5808 (Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas, Portugal)


Academic Background:
– Visiting Assistant Professor of Surgery and Oral Medicine at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Lisbon (FMDUL);
– Postgraduate and Specialization in Implantology at FMDUL (2013/2016);
– Postgraduate degree in Periodontology from the Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz (2014/2015);
– Postgraduate degree in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology from Universidade Católica Portuguesa (2013/2014);
– Postgraduate in Teaching Methodologies in Oral Surgery, FMDUL (2008/2009);
– PhD in Dental Medicine from FMDUL (2011/2020);
– Master’s Degree in Dental Medicine from FMDUL (2007/2008);
– Degree in Dental Medicine from FMDUL (2001/2007).


Clinical activity:
– Specialist in Oral Surgery by the Portuguese Dental Association (OMD);
– Member of the Coordinating Council of the Postgraduate Specialization Course in Oral Surgery at FMDUL;
– Clinical Coordinator of the Oral Cancer Screening Program of the Portuguese League Against Cancer (Southern Regional Center);
– Coordinator of the Oral Surgery Department at the Implantology Institute®;
– Exclusive private clinical practice at the Implantology Institute® since 2007, in the areas of Surgery, Implantology, Rehabilitation, Medicine and Oral Pathology.


Scientific Societies / Scholarships / Awards:
– Vice-president of the Portuguese Academy of Oral Medicine (APMO);
– Member of the Portuguese Society of Oral Surgery (SPCO);
– Member of the Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants (SPPI);
– Member of the Portuguese Society of Implantology and Osseointegration (SOPIO);
– Member of the Spanish Society of Oral Surgery (SECIB);
– Member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI);
– Member of the European Association of Oral Medicine (EAOM);
– Member of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO);
– Member of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR);
– Member of the Portuguese Society of Stomatology and Dental Medicine (SPEMD);
– Prize awarded by the University of Lisbon to the best student on the FMDUL Dental Medicine Degree Course in 2001-2007.


Scientific Activity:
– Member of the Scientific Committee of the FMDUL Research Unit in Oral and Biomedical Sciences (UICOB);
– Scientific reviewer for the Portuguese Journal of Stomatology, Dental Medicine and Maxillofacial Surgery;
– Member of the first Monitoring Committee of the Oral Cancer Early Intervention Project (PIPCO) of the Portuguese Dental Association (OMD);
– Author and co-author of more than 110 conferences, communications and posters;
– Author and co-author of more than 20 national and international scientific publications.

Founder and Director of the Implantology Institute®

Oral Rehabilitation

Periodontology and Oral Surgery

Oral Rehabilitation, Implantology and Oral Surgery

Implantology, Oral Surgery and Oral Rehabilitation

Periodontology and Implantology

Oral Rehabilitation and Implantology

Implantology and Oral Surgery

Aesthetic Dentistry and Oral Rehabilitation

Pediatric Dentistry

Oral Rehabilitation, Occlusion and Temporomandibular Dysfunction and Dental Sleep Medicine