

Periodontology and Implantology

Prof. Doctor

Helena Francisco

Experiência Profissional

Professional Card No:

5171 (Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas, Portugal)


Academic background:

– Graduated in Dental Medicine from the Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz (ISCS) in 2005;

– Post-graduate degree in Periodontology from the New York University College of Dentistry, New York – USA, in 2006;

– Post-graduate degree in Implantology from the New York University College of Dentistry, New York – USA, in 2008;

– Master’s Degree in Dental Medicine from the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Lisbon (FMDUL) in 2009;

– PhD in Dental Medicine from FMDUL in 2016;

– Member of the Oral Biology and Biochemistry Research Group of the FMDUL Oral and Biomedical Sciences Research Unit;

– Associate Professor in Oral Surgery at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Lisbon;

– Member of the American Academy of Osseointegration since 2005;

– Member of the Board of the European Association of Osseointegration.


Clinical Activity:

– Specialist in Oral Surgery by the Portuguese Dental Association (OMD);

– Private clinical practice at the Implantology Institute®, in the areas of Periodontology and Implantology, since 2008.


Scientific Activity:

– Author and co-author of more than 200 conferences, communications and posters;

– Author and co-author of more than 50 international and national publications;

– More than 1000 international citations.

Founder and Director of the Implantology Institute®

Oral Rehabilitation

Periodontology and Oral Surgery

Oral Rehabilitation, Implantology and Oral Surgery

Implantology, Oral Surgery and Oral Rehabilitation

Periodontology and Implantology

Oral Rehabilitation and Implantology

Implantology and Oral Surgery

Aesthetic Dentistry and Oral Rehabilitation

Pediatric Dentistry

Oral Rehabilitation, Occlusion and Temporomandibular Dysfunction and Dental Sleep Medicine