

Immediate Fixed Prosthesis

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The well-being of our patients is our main concern. As such, we treat each case as unique. If you suffer from missing teeth, there is a reliable and lasting solution that allows you to regain your smile: the immediate fixed prosthesis.




The placement of implants in what is called “immediate load” or “immediate teeth,” a complete rehabilitation that results in an immediate fixed prosthesis, is a clinical practice that involves placing implants and temporary teeth on the same day. From this moment, the function and aesthetics of your smile are restored until the completion of your treatment.

This “immediate teeth” technique, validated by numerous clinical studies attesting to its safety and predictable results, is often indicated in cases requiring the replacement of all teeth or, individually, the most visible teeth such as the incisors.



In this type of treatment, the patient stops using removable dentures and begins to use an immediate total fixed prosthesis on implants. This is a permanent solution that will accompany the patient for the rest of their life.

All planning is done using new technologies, allowing us to design your new smile as naturally as possible.




The experience and knowledge acquired over more than 30 years in the field of Implantology, with more than 50,000 implants placed, have allowed Prof. João Caramês, director of the Implantology Institute®, to develop a system for complete rehabilitation with implants (Caramês Classification) focused on the individual characteristics of each patient.



This classification, being 100% patient-oriented, is now used worldwide.



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For us, the planning phase is undoubtedly a crucial element in achieving the best possible results. Without a correct initial diagnosis, the likelihood of failure is quite high. This is the main reason why our first consultations are very specific and 100% focused on the patient’s needs. Conducted by the team of Prof. João Caramês, this first consultation allows for a rigorous and personalized diagnosis of your case.


In addition to all clinical and administrative support, we will perform:

  • An orthopantomography and a CBCT (a 3D X-ray);
  • Photographic protocol and/or intraoral scan;
  • Treatment plan.


Treatment steps

  • 1

    Pre-Surgical Planning

    We start our journey towards your happy smile! We will assess your oral condition. Your treatment plan will include a study with photo and video documentation.

  • 2

    Oral hygiene consultation

    Before the surgery, you will have an oral hygiene consultation, where you will be informed about the care you need to take after the surgery. Teamwork will be fundamental to the success of the treatment!

  • 3

    Day of surgery

    You will be met by a specialized team who will do the initial preparation for the implant surgery – anesthesia and sedation. Your comfort on this day is essential.

  • 4

    Post-operative consultation

    Ten days after the implants and immediate fixed teeth have been placed, you will have an appointment to assess the healing and ensure not only the comfort but also the aesthetics of your new smile.

  • 5

    Oral hygiene consultation

    About 30 days after the surgery, you will have an oral hygiene appointment, where the temporary teeth will be cleaned and the gums around the implants will be assessed.

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    Final rehabilitation

    Two to four months after the healing period, new molds will be made to fabricate the permanent teeth. Different types of teeth to build your smile permanently.