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Periodontology is the specialty of Dentistry dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting the supporting tissues of the teeth, namely the gums and bone. It is also responsible for aesthetic gum treatment.




Periodontal disease affects the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth – the periodontium – which includes, in addition to the gums, the alveolar bone and other structures responsible for keeping the teeth anchored in the jaws.

Periodontal disease is divided into two main groups: gingivitis and periodontitis.

  • In GINGIVITIS, there is a superficial inflammation of the gum, without involvement of the bone.
  • In PERIODONTITIS, there is destruction of the deeper structures, with bone resorption and mobility. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss.

Periodontitis is caused by bacteria and progresses mainly in patients with a genetic susceptibility to gum diseases. However, there are also risk factors such as:

  • Tobacco;
  • Diabetes;
  • Poor oral hygiene;
  • Systemic diseases.




Periodontal disease can also worsen various systemic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, premature birth, stroke, among other conditions.

The periodontist has the necessary training to treat the disease. In many cases of severe bone loss, it is possible to intervene with innovative techniques to reconstruct the lost bone and maintain the teeth in a healthy manner.

After periodontal treatment, the maintenance phase begins, with consultations every 3-6 months.




In the aesthetic aspect, periodontology also includes the correction of gum defects, which can improve patients’ self-esteem and quality of life. Examples include the treatment of gummy smiles, gum recessions, and gum problems with implants.




Many people show too much gum when they smile, with short teeth often hidden by the gum tissue. This type of smile is called a “gummy smile.” To solve this problem, a procedure called crown lengthening is performed, which exposes the teeth naturally and harmonizes the gum margins.




Over the years, many people suffer from gum recession. In these cases, the gum tissue starts to pull away from the tooth structure, eventually exposing the root, causing sensitivity, cavities, and aesthetic problems. Through minimally invasive techniques, it is possible to predictably cover the exposed teeth and restore gum health.


Implantology with bone regeneration

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Gummy Smile

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Treatment steps

  • 1

    Assessment and diagnosis

    At this first appointment, a periodontal assessment and diagnosis is made so that the dentist can understand your clinical situation.

  • 2

    Periodontal treatment

    Once the diagnosis has been made, the non-surgical phase of treatment begins to remove the plaque from the periodontal pocket. In severe cases, periodontal surgery may also be necessary.

  • 3


    Once the treatments have been carried out, we move on to the maintenance phase. This is monitored through an oral hygiene appointment every 4/6 months.